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If you wanted to know about me, you want to read this.
Steph did the logo, for which I'm extremely grateful.
I wrote these pages with XEmacs and its wonderful SGML editing mode (PSGML).
I'm currently using PHP for a little bit of server-side magic.
I've tried
to make sure these pages contain syntactically valid XHTML.
Really. PSGML did some of the work for me, but I also ran most
of the pages through W3's validator to make sure.
These pages should be viewable
with any standards-compilant HTML browser, not just Internet
Explorer and Netscape Navigator.
A Cascading StyleSheet is used to provide hints as
to my preferred layout, colour scheme and such, but rest assured
that you're not missing out on anything much if you don't have a
CSS-capable browser.
Why polydistortion ? I was poking about for names, and whilst looking about my desk I noticed a CD by GusGus, which I liked enough to borrow the name from. Go and buy their stuff, it's really good !
At the moment I'm using some of the wonderful fonts that Ray Larabie makes. I'm also quite partial to some of Mr Chank's stuff.
Mainly so I don't keep forgetting this myself, I'm using the following free (at least as far as my use of them goes) fonts :
...and the following non-free fonts, which I bought:
Turbo Regular, from T.26.