Just last weekend, Michael mentioned this film, and while I was gadding about in Disc on Chapel St (at the end of Greville St) feeling depressed about seeing all those DVDs for $60, I found this for $26 and figured "well, I wanted to buy something".
Woody Allen's one of those guys my parents like, and whilst I never really got into him when I was living at home, I did eventually go and see Bananas at ... uh ... that cinema up Toorak Rd, somewhere east of Chapel St and so on. But anyway. And on my recent flight to Singapore, they had Annie Hall on the "classics" channel, and I managed to watch some of the start of it before I ended up talking (yes, really) to the passenger next to me, and then I caught the end of it, just before I fell asleep.
So yeah. I've seen enough Woody Allen films to realise it's something I probably ought to catch up on (I've got a pile of books and films to catch up on, I dunno exactly what I wasted my youth doing, but it certainly wasn't spent watching the right films or reading the right books...), and so I found myself with a copy of What's up Tiger Lily ? which is certainly amusing, if a little dated (thanks to other people who presumably thought "hey, that's a good idea", like when the D-Generation overdubbed some old Australian cop show called Bluey, their efforts being memorable only for the guy who'd always say "you're not still wearing that brown suit are you ?".
I almost bought Dr No at the same place, but collecting James Bond films on DVD will probably have to be done in an "all or nothing" manner, I think.
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