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priscilla's nightmare

Priscilla's Nightmare

I was listening to Stephen Cummings' rockabilly album Firecracker this morning, thinking about how my sister had described it as Stephen's "Priscilla's Nightmare album". I'd passed up buying it at a shop down in Williamstown a couple of months ago, but now it was doing the earworm thing, so I had to go back and find it. It's exactly how I remember it - the little bits of pre-song banter about what to do next, and a more primal, basic and generally fun sound as they do a few Elvis (or Elvis-like) tracks - a bit of a departure from the kind of SeriousTM 80's production that Kids in the Kitchen were normally given to, or as far as I can remember, anyway (I can just remember stuff like Shine). At the time I guess I didn't really notice why I liked this, but I suspect it was the subliminal influence of my parents.

* 18:49 * music