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she said "we can't all live in semi-detatched houses"

melbourne/2004/05/02-13:27:10 melbourne/2004/05/02-14:52:36 melbourne/2004/05/02-14:57:48 melbourne/2004/05/08-13:17:54 melbourne/2004/05/16-10:27:49 melbourne/2004/05/23-10:36:43 melbourne/2004/05/23-10:48:43 melbourne/2004/05/23-11:01:53 melbourne/2004/05/23-11:12:17 melbourne/2004/05/23-11:14:58

I haven't been a-wandering much this month, apart from a nice hour's walk on Sunday morning. More to come.

[ see all of my photos from May 2004. ]

* 20:45 * photos