When somebody has a Good Idea, people rush to implement and reimplmement it under every platform known to man - look at that Bayesian spam filtering thing, for instance. Another example is Mark Pilgrim's "Ultra-Liberal RSS Locator", which now has a Gnus "port" courtesy of Mark A. Hershberger. Nice work, dude !
If you happen to be running it under XEmacs, you'll probably need to grab the url
(and maybe also w3
) packages from CVS - the XEmacs-packaged ones are a bit old (you'll get an error about not having a function called url-retrieve-synchronously
It's been ages since I hacked up anything in Emacs-Lisp, but I suppose I haven't had that kind of itch to scratch, lately.
...the last 3 months :
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sorta dark red with one blond bit.Wasting Time On
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I may not (so far) run the kind of blog that posts social conscience linkage - other friends seem to have it covered better than I could manage (yes, I'm aware that's no excuse), but this doesn't mean that I don't care about the State of ThingsTM.
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