For the few of you who hadn't already heard, strange days have found me. On Friday, I mistakenly left my suitcase in a taxi in Perth on the way to the office I was working in that morning, before flying home. When I got off the plane at Tullamarine on Friday evening, my phone no longer worked. On Monday morning, sitting in the rather quiet office preparing some stuff before visiting a customer site, I heard ominous clicking noises from my hard drive. I figured I'd have a bit of time to sort it out, but by midday the disk was dead.
So now, while I try to decide whether it's worth paying to get my k800i fixed, I'm using a Nokia E65 (it's boring and I hate S60, but at least I can play with the Cisco SCCP VoIP client on it - it certainly involves less screwing around than when you try to configure the SIP client). I miss having a decent cameraphone, but I guess i'll cope. Thanks to a rash of nerdery earlier this year I have a decent backup system running at home (every few hours, if my server can reach either of our laptops, it backs them up), and so I only lost some typed work notes from Monday morning. And hey, you can buy 250GB laptop drives now (mind you, the drive's revision number "01.01A01" doesn't exactly fill me with confidence). Meanwhile, after many phone calls, my suitcase is apparently making its way to a dear friend in Perth, ready to make its own journey home.
But yesterday wasn't all bad - an amazon UK order arrived, with the new Richard Hawley CD/DVD Lady's Bridge, Luke Haines' Off my rocker at the art school bop, and two Pere Ubu rereleases (Cloudland and The Tenement Year). So at least I had something to listen to while I was busy reinstalling OS X and a few hundred megabytes of updates.
I'm scared to wonder what's next.
· comments (2)
Yay for backups.
> Posted by romain at August 29, 2007 12:43 AMHow are you doing the backups? I sometimes do an rsync to an external drive, and I also have a lot of things on a server in the states, although an rsync doesn't work so well there for some reason. (Wants to copy everything again.) I just discovered the -c and --modify-window options though--maybe that'll help.
> Posted by Michael S. at September 26, 2007 10:55 PMArchives
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