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the other side of the world

I'm home, now.

We flew into Vienna at the start of November and over the rest of the month caught various trains across Western Europe, under the Chunnel to London, and onward to Bristol. It was exhausting by the end of it, but if you're going to fly that far, you want to see as much as you can.

I only took 2 of my film cameras:

1) The Olympus Pen EE-2 half-frame thingy:

F1000003 CNV00012

CNV00006 CNV00020

2) My shiny new Bessa R4A with its 28mm lens:

F1000024 F1000026

F1010018 CNV00040

Lian had her Canon G7 which I used occasionally:

IMG_3221 like a bullet

inevitable engine room

And I had my cameraphone as a backup:

DSC01173 DSC01185

DSC01234 DSC01297

You can read more words over in my journal - start with this entry. I might still have more to add there - we'll see how it goes. It'll all be tagged with Holiday 2008-11, anyway

[ see all photos from holiday 2008-11. ]

* 19:26 * travel · comments (0)


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