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tales from an ordinary world


If I tilt my head at the correct angle, the lone star vanishes behind the telephone wire - it's just me and the street light, out on the front porch.


It's a strange feeling watching cinema alone - the post-film hangover when you leave the dark room and walk out onto the street, stumbling almost, not knowing which way to look, what to think. People look at you funny, it seems, but you know it's just that you're wearing a different pair of eyes, now. Wait. This isn't lucidity, it's opacity. We only fool ourselves into thinking that we're seeing the world more clearly, when we're simply under the influence of video - a trick of the light, perhaps.

I crossed the street just to make the lights turn red, only this time nothing happened.


I live this life by electric light.


It didn't seem real - the squeal of tyres, the man in mid-air hitting the windscreen, the way he walked off, unhurt and giving a thumb-up to the driver. Shaken, not stirred?


The wind whips by. A couple of lorikeets screech across Sydney Road. I'm quietly sipping a coffee on a side street, and can't help feeling as if I'm swimming in sand - all this thrashing about can't be good for one's inner balance.


A small kink in reality. The same face in a different place. What's going on ? West and East - I'm not the only one.


I haven't quite left behind the world of words - I've just been busy, is all. Sometimes I feel invisible, wondering whether all my blessings have been disguised. Other times I'm just happy to notice the afternoon sun on my face, waiting for a tram to take me somewhere out of here. So many moments are frozen in time - I can hear the ticking echo through my head on slow days like this.


A drunk guy lopes around the tram, silently raging against the couples, the couples, the couples in front of him. He lights up and people look around - cigarettes are such a foreign smell on public transport nowadays.

Stepping off the tram a low-flying airliner lights up the sky. I'll stand in the middle of the road to watch it, at least while the lights are in my favour. Remind me again.

..end transmission...

other times

days : (<< 2003-05) 2003-06 : 03, 05, 08, 09, 15, 20, 22, 23 (2003-07 >>).

months : (<< ) all of 2003-06 ( >>).

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