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Haircut at 9, cool air, sunny day, schoolkids on the tram, somebody in a duffle coat (I didn't know they still existed), traffic offenders up and down the street, and the metronomic sound of a traffic light telling us to get going. A few guys walk past the cafe window, one of them saying "look, smoking and comfy chairs !". Eggs Benedict is a highly recommended way to start the week.
Bleach-time again (see new photo). The first hairdresser has me sussed out, once she finds out I've done most of the Fudge-brand colours already. "Do you want a magazine to read ? The only guys ones we have are Ralph, and FHM." "Nah, they're not really me." "Yeah, I didn't think so." Later, one of the other (presumably less intuitive) girls drops the two aforementioned items in front of me. They sit there menacingly, random girls glaring at me from the covers. I drop my towel on top of them and stare into space instead, hoping they'll just go away.