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tales from an ordinary world


In an instant, my world became read-only. I vainly tried answering messages from people, on my computer, on my phone, but neither would send. Intermittent problems. Now was obviously not the time. They sent me another. I still couldn't answer. I worried that people would think me rude. But what could I do ? I returned to my book, the one about sand, and tried to get comfortable.

..end transmission...

other times

days : (<< 2002-02) 2002-03 : 02, 04, 05, 08, 09, 09b, 11, 12, 12b, 14, 14b, 15, 16, 17, 17b, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30 (2002-04 >>).

months : (<< ) all of 2002-03 ( >>).

other pages

the latest entry . tales from a random world . grime . elsewhere