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tales from an ordinary world


It's important to occasionally do the kind of thing you'd normally loathe, in order to progress oneself. So with a somewhat experimental air, I followed them into the casino, and watched them play pontoon (which is, at least, a semi-sociable way of throwing money away, compared with merely sitting at the button pushing machines). and sure, there's a certain amount of reckless power in the tap or wave - you at least have some small amount of regulatory control over how fast or slow the money goes away. People come and go, betting over your shoulder, some chatty, some just silently staring. One of the dealers bounces around jovially, laughing with the players, the next one's pure business, with a quietly melodic voice and precise hand movements as she sweeps across the table.

It's not for me, but at least I know for sure, instead of simply assuming so.

..end transmission...

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months : (<< ) all of 2002-04 ( >>).

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