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It's been hot all week. I don't deal too well with the heat - I sweat too much, for instance...I spent all day pretty much hard at it, setting up a test environment for a new major release of some server software I look after. I started off the upgrade, and got it to migrate a test copy of all the old data into the new format, and of course, it didn't fucking work. Without giving any useful information, it just randomly decided to say "nah, I'm not gonna do that bit." If I wasn't so hot and utterly shagged out after a week in a hot office (no air conditioning...), I would have thrown the monitor out the window. A friend decided to throw a bbq in the evening - organized (as much of my life is) at completely the last minute - just before I would have otherwise gone home, I got a message asking "doing anything tonight ? wanna come to a bbq ?". So I went along, chatted to some people, had a few nice cold beers, and sweat lots 'cause it was still hot. I tried standing in front of the fan and stuff, but I gave up and went home around 11:30, 'cause I was too tired to do anything but sleep.