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I feel disappointed by this month's entries. They all seem a bit awkward, slightly forced. Every now and then I used to be able to come up with something I could look back upon and be happy with, but it's now turning dangerously toward becoming a chore.
I need some kind of inspiration. An angle. You know...
Sprawled out on the couch of some yuppie pub in Prahran, I felt like some kind of answer was almost in my grip. Clues. That kind of stuff. But it all dissipated into evening conversation by the time I left.
Flashback : It's new year's eve, we've turned up to someone's party. He's got a pool - we didn't know, and didn't bring our swimwear. Oh well. Eventually, he lends me a pair of shorts, so I jump in. She stays on land, and at one point I swim up to say hi to her and all she says back to me, in a voice only I can hear, is "I hate you so much right now."
Current Listening :
New Wave and Now I'm a Cowboy, by The Auteurs.