Clothing stocktake :
- 1 pair black jeans, almost dead.
- 1 pair black jeans, button fly.
- 1 pair black so-called moleskin jeans.
- 1 pair dark grey polyester/cotton pant things.
- 1 pair blue jeans, rarely worn.
- 2 pairs of black cargo pants.
- 10 plain black t-shirts.
- 2 plain black t-shirts sacrificed for hair bleaching and colouring.
- 2 plain black long-sleeved skivvies, 1 with Bonds logo.
- around 10 long-sleeved printed t-shirts - 2 orange, 2 grey,
3 black, 2 white and 1 lightish green. 2 of these (1 black & 1
white) have fairly similar aircraft motifs.
- 3 lambswool jumpers
- 24 "old" tshirts placed out of regular rotation.
- 14 black printed tshirts
- 6 dark grey printed tshirts
- 7 light grey printed tshirts
- 5 dark blue printed tshirts
- 1 light blue printed tshirts
- 2 dark green printed tshirts
- 1 light green printed tshirts
- 2 yellow printed tshirts
- 3 red printed tshirts
- 2 light brown printed tshirts
- etc...
These numbers frighten me.