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I found myself pushed out of the house by some unseen force, heading nowhere in particular. But after a round-trip of different sorts of public transport I found myself buying yet another painfully-priced music book to read. I was hungry. Fear possessed me with grey hands. I walked and walked, but where do you go when you're feeling so alone ?
"Have you got a watch on, Tom ?"
"He's always got a watch on."
It didn't matter if I sat or if I walked - If I sat, I had no energy to move, but if I made myself stand, I found I had just enough energy to move.
My mind is a mess of half-remembered music and the wind in the trees. But then an orchestral rendition of the Thunderbirds theme blares from somebody's tiny car near the tram stop, waking me.
In the CD shop, I forgot about everything, I forgot how or why I'd come to this street. Upon emerging, I had to backtrack through my thoughts, my actions, and remember what I was doing here.