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misc/2002-02-06-new-toy-1 misc/2002-02-06-new-toy-2 misc/2002-02-06-new-toy-3

It arrived ! I'm justifying this as my birthday present to myself in an effort not to feel guilty about spending the money. And I have waited like, since October last year. And I'm pretty sure I've been good, or at least, reasonably so.

It's an iRiver SlimX / IMP-350, and it seems (in my limited testing since I got to work an hour ago) to work as advertised on the CD I burnt of mp3's I'd grabbed off epitonic and amazon. Yummy. I ordered it from mp3direct.com.au on Saturday.

(later) Cool. A co-worker had a CD full of Russian MP3s, and it happily displayed the song names in Russian. Nifty.

* 10:10 * music