Steve Earle's cover of Rivers of Babylon. No, really.
Felafel rolls, wraps, or whatever they're called, for lunch, in the sun, in the park. Hard to eat without making a mess, but we've got seagulls for that.
old candles that still burn.
The way I can pack just enough stuff into one of those cheap, small canvas rucksacks.
The incisive guitar work on The Fall's Rebellious Jukebox.
A quiet coffee before work.
personal e-mail, instead of stuff from all the mailing lists I'm subscribed to.
Mark Eitzel's playing next week.
Pure, unfettered sleep.
There's a new Nurse With Wound CD out, and I've got a copy on the way (well, soon), along with last year's Fall release.
[ further reading : one, two. ]
[ further listening : Nurse With Wound live radio. ]
...the last 3 months :
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