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I see Movable Type is spreading its tentacles a little further - it's entirely Graham's fault that I noticed Movable Type last year, just before their first public release. When it arrived, I thought "well, it's probably time I played with something like this, I might have to set it up for someobdy one day." The only way to get a grip on it was, of course, to start a blog. I never thought I'd have quite so much to say, although it's true that lately I've been just linking rather than actually saying very much. I must do something about that.

Also, the Ben & Mena show have just added a very handy external resources list. Once I upgrade the box running all this (right after my holiday, I'm tied up with server upgrades at work until then), I'll have more of a chance to fiddle with stuff.

* 16:36 * geek