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dream - At the old tennis club near mum & dad's place is a big underground access tunnel (to what ?), but it's all overgrown now...(someone has plans to reopen it ?) There's a smaller tunnel nearby, too. Everybody wonders what's in there, and I think people were daring each other to walk in there and see if they could come out of the smaller tunnel. There seemed to be some sort of feeling that we'd get in trouble if we went in there. But I don't think we knew who we'd get in trouble with. [ In real life, there's no such tunnel, by the way. ]
dream (another one. I'm unsure of the details of this, and bits of it may have been somehow invented after I woke up. I'm not sure) - Jello Biafra was hanging around. Or rather, various people were hanging around him. I've no idea what he actually looks like or anything, but it was definitely him. [This is the bit that mostly came to me after I woke up] I think he was going to rant about something or other (like, as some sort of performance), but somehow whatever he was going to rant about got "re-edited into one key sentence" (???) (by some music journo ?) and maybe there didn't seem to be any point in doing the performance after all. So nothing much happened as far as I remember, it was just a few people hanging around doing nothing in particular.
Why Jello Biafra ? I was never a big Dead Kennedys fan or anything, but I do have a few CDs by Lard which I haven't listened to in ages. I think I flipped past one of them in my CD case yesterday when I was finding something to listen to, and it must've stuck...
For a few weekends in a row, I make the same tram journey, hoping that it'll be subtly different each weekend. I still don't know exactly what it is that I'm looking for, but I keep looking nonetheless.