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tales from an ordinary world


questions left unasked
it's better that way
for all concerned
too much truth will kill you
she said
in that usual way
flicking her hair to one side
and staring off into
somebody else's space

the rumours were true
I hate being able to guess
these kind of things
a limited clairvoyance
tells me it's going to
happen again
deja snooze
and I'm off in the clouds.
anywhere but here.

..end transmission...

other times

days : (<< 2000-10) 2000-11 : 01, 03, 07, 09, 09a, 09b, 11, 11a, 14, 15, 15a, 15b, 18, 20, 21, 27, 30 (2000-12 >>).

months : (<< ) all of 2000-11 ( >>).

other pages

the latest entry . tales from a random world . grime . elsewhere