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tales from an ordinary world


"I'd like to tell my story
before I turn into gold."
Leonard Cohen

I've been away digesting some new old music I've purchased, that arrived all at once in a box from Sydney with nicely printed covers, straight from the man. I remember when this music first Spoke To Me, and eventually I went to the music shop at uni, back when they'd let you hire CDs...I ended up buying the copies I'd hired. I can remember sitting on the 3rd floor foyer of the Ming wing, staring out at the people below, newly purchased CD in hand, while I waited for my girlfriend to finish her Russian class. It was mine, at last, and I couldn't wait to hear it. I was being fed electronic music by radio, had been for a few years, and you always feel good supporting local artistes. Some other guy, who'd done 2 cassettes of stuff, sent me a christmas card thanking me for my support one year. The funny thing was, when I finally met one of the radio show hosts in person, I found that I didn't really know what to say. We'd corresponded by other means already, but face to face was...awkward. I wonder if he's still around, yearning for Robert Schroeder's golden days.

..end transmission...

other times

days : (<< 2000-10) 2000-11 : 01, 03, 07, 09, 09a, 09b, 11, 11a, 14, 15, 15a, 15b, 18, 20, 21, 27, 30 (2000-12 >>).

months : (<< ) all of 2000-11 ( >>).

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