Uncle Bill's last gig at the Czech Club in North Melbourne, March 1st 2002.
Gerry Hale quipped "wow, there's so many people here...we oughta have last gigs more often !". "Well, it worked for The Church," I said to Scott, who'd turned up halfway into the second set in his They Might Be Giants t-shirt that I'm beginning to suspect is the only t-shirt he owns, given that he's worn it on every occasion I've seen him this year (with the exception of both his own and Darren and Fleur's weddings). The set was similar to the one I'd seen them do last December, except that there was a much more fun vibe in the room this time, because we all knew it was their last time here. We even got an encore out of them.
There were mutterings of other gigs later on, somewhere else. I hope they'll eventuate, because I've yet to drag a few other friends along to see these guys.
[ see all Uncle Bill pictures. ]
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