If you weren't aware of what I've been up to, I'm still in Singapore. I'll be back by the middle of next week, whereupon Normal Service will be Resumed. I could've been blogging and journalling while I was here, but it seemed more appropriate to try and relax (or to worry about organizing how the hell I'm going to meet all my old friends in the small amount of time I have left here). Still, I've noticed a few interesting things :
Not only does HMV stock cooler Australian stuff than the Australian HMV does (eg. Golden Rough, The Blackeyed Susans), it also had some Nurse With Wound albums.
I saw a full-double-decker-bus advertisement for a Yamaha keyboard, with a huge slogan saying "it's fun to music !" on the side. Yes, it is.
Yes, I've finally had Chicken Rice (I didn't get to last time I was here).
Best CD find so far was in the second-hand / bargain bin section of Gramophone this afternoon, where I found a Jean-Paul Sartre Experience album for $2. I feel guilty depriving Singaporean music fans of something like this, but I figure they had their chance to buy it.
That $60 Ryuichi Sakamoto album I saw last year still sits in HMV, taunting me.
"as soon as you stop to look at something, at least three other people stop to see what you're looking at," says Mavis. It's true.
More later. I need to sleep.
...the last 3 months :
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