While I chuck another mix CD on the fire, I s'pose I ought to mention what music we played at the wedding:
Surfer Girl, as covered by Low. It's slow, it sounds great and it's even sung by a married couple, so we walked up the aisle to it.
甜蜜蜜, by 鄧麗君. Lian's pick. It's an old standard, or something.
Dream Baby Dream, as covered by Luna - it is very dreamy.
I think that's as far as it got before it got turned down, but in reserve I also had:
Sweet Kinda Love, as covered by the Pine Valley Cosmonauts with Jon Langford on vocals.
Do What You Wanna Do by the Acid House Kings. We both love it.
If the name (and the chorus) of the song wasn't so ill-fitting, we probably would've had Richard Hawley's Born Under a Bad Sign as our song, 'cause we're both in love with the sound and his voice.
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