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I'm stuck in moments - a few of clarity, but mostly of confusion - as I try to digest my weekend's work. Another book down, two this weekend, and the Henry Rollins spoken word gig last night. All of these words, that I now have to reconcile with my life, my being, my values. The nature of my existence. The future. I feel as if I'm understanding these things less and less, but I don't fear that I'll stop loving life, and I know that in another ten years I'll still be enjoying myself one way or another. The journey - getting there - this concerns me a little more. Exactly where "there" is, this also concerns me still. But I don't feel that this is news.
We tried some new place called "Blue Corn", that we'd passed a few times before, but always after having eaten. People talked, smoked, ate and drank around us as we read our respective books. The food was good and plentiful, the hot chocolate is recommended.