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tales from an ordinary world


Another day seasoned with successes, but peppered with the usual frustrations. I've been trying to be good in various ways, clamping down on one or two bad habits, and perhaps it's not exactly helping.

must. be. strong.

Dream: two old computers, the kind I would've seen (or heard about) as a child in the early 80's. I don't understand where the music's coming from, though. They never did that. Somebody's playing an old game on them. No time to lose, though, because I have to get to a friend's house for a barbeque. It's a sunny afternoon, and I'm going to ride my motorbike (?!) to his place. My helmet falls from my hands onto the warm grass of the front lawn. I bend down to pick it up, staring at my palms...

..end transmission...

other times

days : (<< 2002-09) 2002-10 : 02, 02b, 06, 07, 09, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21, 21b, 22, 23, 25, 31 (2002-11 >>).

months : (<< ) all of 2002-10 ( >>).

other pages

the latest entry . tales from a random world . grime . elsewhere