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tales from an ordinary world


Gripped by a hard earned thirst after a late finish at work, we drop into the local, over on Greville St. There's a table in the corner, near the large group of Happy Young People. Rugby top and tracksuit-pants walks past for another beer. The staff are dressed in shades of black. Two pots later we're leaving, and he looks at the pictures of Ye Olde Chapel St on the wall and points out that while all the women wore white then, black's the staple colour these days.

I'm home now, and, I'm gonna throw on Nonalignment Pact one more time...

..end transmission...

other times

days : (<< 2002-09) 2002-10 : 02, 02b, 06, 07, 09, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21, 21b, 22, 23, 25, 31 (2002-11 >>).

months : (<< ) all of 2002-10 ( >>).

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