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tales from an ordinary world


"we can design future worlds"
meat beat manifesto.

Off-centre, and focussing too much on particular things. Pulled into parallel worlds, watching the world from a balcony. I'm dreaming again. I should be reading on the tram but I'm staring, instead - I've been leaving my CD player and books at home, so there's nothing to do but watch what's before my eyes. Second-guessing, frequently missing, always dreaming, never doing. I should be moving (and maybe even shaking). I should be... I should be elsewhere. I'm walking the last block home, again. Kids in the park, loud noises and girls squealing. Tram sounds, and passing cars. I'm thinking of other things, though - of the girl who smiles, far (but not too far) across the sea. I'm thinking of what I'd say - "I'd rather you were here than there" - but it doesn't sound right.

..end transmission...

other times

days : (<< 2002-09) 2002-10 : 02, 02b, 06, 07, 09, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21, 21b, 22, 23, 25, 31 (2002-11 >>).

months : (<< ) all of 2002-10 ( >>).

other pages

the latest entry . tales from a random world . grime . elsewhere