I'm all worn out from finishing reading Rip It Up And Start Again yesterday, but while I remember... :
'Grand Salvo has an RSS feed (yay! it's catching!), just in time to announce the album launch on Melbourne Cup Night at the Northcote Social Club. The album's out, but I haven't picked one up yet.
I finally have my copies of Sublime Frequencies' Radio Pyongyang: Commie Funk and Agit Pop from the Hermit Kingdom and Nurse With Wound's found-sound extravaganza Shipwreck Radio, Vol. 1 (just in time for Volume 2, I see). More on these later, hopefully (I've only had one listen each).
The Spoils have a new album out, following up on Hurtsville from a few years back - I've yet to pick it up either, but it'll probably be pretty good.
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i like simon reynolds :)
> Posted by dark film music at October 25, 2005 1:47 AMComments have been closed for this post. If you've got something to say, please contact me by other means. Thanks!
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